“Art is something that makes you breathe with a different kind of happiness.” Anni Albers
Hey there,
I’m Cat and I’m a Motion Graphics and Visual Effects Artist from Tampa, FL. Those really close to me would describe me as creative, detail oriented with an eye for design, a huge animal lover, horror/Halloween fanatic, gym junkie, health nut, organizational freak, dedicated Mother & Wife and overal hype Queen.
I graduated with a BA in Visual Effects & Motion graphics at the Art Institute of Tampa and ever since then I have been on a blessed career journey. I work with almost all aspects of post production whether it be 2D or 3D animation, motion graphics, and visual effects. I have an insatiable hunger for learning and growing in this field. I want to absorb as much knowledge as possible to use in my personal projects and career and share what I make with other aspiring artists!
I have gained a substantial amount of sports experience working with the Tampa Bay Lightning. Creating custom graphic titles, noise prompts and working in the control room. I operated the Crossfire Click Effects during home games, including the Stanley Cup Playoffs. My 4 years of experience with the Lightning led to a job offer from FOX that I couldn’t refuse. I now create graphics for stations across America, from New York to Los Angeles.