By combining my love of horror and Valentineโ€™s Day, the power of Cinema 4D and Redshift allows me to bring this vision to life. I wanted to create slimy guts using Redshift, however, there was only one tutorial out there that provided the look I was going for. I used the tutorial as a guide and converted it to redshift.

Working on this personal project has been an incredible learning experience for me. As someone who is always eager to expand their skills, diving into Redshift even deeper was both challenging and rewarding.

Moreover, delving into X-Particles for the first time added another layer of complexity to the project. Learning how to manipulate particles and create a blood simulation was both exciting and informative. It pushed me to think outside the box and explore new techniques that I hadn't considered before.

Despite the occasional frustrations, I am genuinely excited about the opportunities for growth that X Particles presents. Each discovery, each mistake, and each success contributes to my learning journey, pushing me to expand my skills and deepen my understanding of this complex but fascinating software.

Overall, this project has not only allowed me to strengthen my technical skills but also encouraged me to embrace new challenges and remain curious in my creative process. I look forward to applying everything I've learned from this experience to future projects and continue growing as a creative professional.


Greyscale Gorilla Making Slimy Guts in Cinema4D




Barbie Inspired