PERSONAL POST!!! Endo Awareness month has started and I wanted to share this graphic that I have been working on for about a month now. It means a lot to me ever since I found out I had endo 3 years ago and it changed me in so many ways. Not very many people knew what I was going through and for those that did, it sure did bring out the true colors in them. I learned real quick who was really there for me and who couldn’t care less to understand what I was going through. I was in pain almost every single day, went through one surgery, was prescribed 5-6 (lost track) different types of birth control and on top of that… anti-depressants. I cried all the time because my mental state was not ok and I didn’t know what was going on or why my body was failing me. I felt alone and was extremely depressed…But I was very thankful to have an amazing support group at home and my old boss who was understanding enough to let me leave work early all the time. I now have it semi under control but it has NOT been an easy journey! I am so grateful to have a better and more positive environment, I watch what I eat so I don’t cause a flare up and I am involved in several Endo Support groups. To all my endo sisters, you are such BADASS WARRIORS and that was what inspired me to make this piece! Thank you to those that truly stuck by me when I was most vulnerable and in my darkest days!
This piece is dedicated to all my endo sisters! You are all BADASS WARRIORS! Going through countless surgeries, having everyday be a struggle all while keeping your head held high and fighting a battle that not everyone can understand. The shield represents you, blocking yourself from the pain. There are cracks and dents in the shield that represent the physical, mental and emotional damage that has been done. I found Viking Runes that have different meanings such as fertility, defense, protection, strength and more! The sword is to slay anyone who has said that we are faking our pain, that we are overreacting, to have a baby or get a hysterectomy for the pain to go away and my personal favorite…for every doctor or nurse who have said “here, take some ibuprofen”!